Platform & product growth: technological innovation drives our growth

Annual Report 2023: NEXt Seven
Connecting the dots in healthtech for better care
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Growth is firmly embedded in nexuzhealth’s DNA. Just ask Bob Neven. As Director Product Strategy, Bob defines how our product range will grow. The plans drawn up by him and his team are further developed by the technical team.


Bob Neven, Director Product Strategy

Over the past few years, nexuzhealth has evolved from being an implementation company to a full-fledged software company. Bob: “The CWS (Clinical Workstation) has continued to improve, and now we are fully committed to developing our new applications. Our teams have built up very specific expertise that is at the crossroads of technological know-how and insight into healthcare. Now we are shifting to a higher gear with solutions that are even more responsive to the needs of patients and healthcare providers.”
These needs have also evolved a great deal in the meantime. “Patient empowerment is a typical example of this evolution. Increasingly, patients want to participate actively with respect to their own health records. Naturally, all the healthcare providers involved also require this medical data to ensure the best care. However, this request for data disclosure must be balanced with growing rules around privacy and compliance. Therefore, with our technological solutions, we ensure that the growing volume of data is optimised in conformity with the regulations. In other words, we make sure that data sharing and collaboration are smoother than ever but in the most secure and correct way possible.”
Technological innovation drives our growth

Ready for the next step with scalable platforms and products.

Scalable and sustainable

To gear nexuzhealth’s solutions for the future, scalability is paramount. “As our community grows in number and diversity in terms of users, each time with different needs, our platform must be able to grow along with it. This is why we’ve opted for a modular approach. This allows new components or modules to be added easily, without disrupting the whole system.”

Sustainability also plays an important role in the development of the platform. “We build components in the same way each time so that they are reusable in different parts of the platform. This saves significantly on costs and development time. Moreover, we also think long-term: we go for solutions that will remain functional for the next 20 years.”

Interoperability thanks to seamless integration

The success of our platforms will also depend on how well they interact with other systems. A focus on interoperability is therefore crucial. “Through a carefully integrated approach, we enable seamless interoperability in line with international standards. This interoperability will remain an absolute priority in the coming years.”

Anyone who talks about technology today, talks about AI. “At present, we are focusing on our own technologies, but at the same time we are also exploring AI applications from selected partners. These can be used to make administrative processes more efficient. For example, consider the burden on healthcare providers to record information: today we have already started integrating speech-to-text technology into our processes so that reports and notes can be recorded instantly. Naturally, security and data protection are always the most important concerns when developing these innovations.”

“We are also considering the areas in which we can use AI tools to develop our software more efficiently or to allow for smart monitoring of our operational platforms to detect anomalies. But first, we are still looking at what is desirable and what is possible based on European and Belgian regulations and directives. Regardless of how the technology evolves, we stay closely attuned at all times.”

Innovative milestones in 2023

As healthcare evolves, nexuzhealth’s solutions evolve with it. This was the case in 2023 as well. “For me, a highlight of the past year was definitely the integration of telemonitoring in our electronic health record (EHR). More and more patients are being monitored at home, and thanks to this integration, this is now done based on an efficient data exchange.”

“In addition, for some time now, we have been making sure that our applications are in line with the new FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standard so that we can optimally exchange health information between different systems and different actors. Furthermore, internally, we also continued with our launch of the largest Golang project in the country, yet another major achievement.”

The nexuzhealth pro platform gains momentum

Growth is also the code word for the following years - the NEXt Seven: “Now we have all the technological building blocks to better serve various other actors in healthcare, such as general practitioners, home nurses and specialists. Meanwhile, of course, we continue to provide healthcare institutions with the best service possible on a regular basis. Our platform is gaining momentum in every way and we are eager to deploy our new applications in the future.”

Want to learn more about how nexuzhealth has grown over the past years? Dive into our 2023 Annual Report and discover the steps we take every day to improve the healthcare sector.

Annual Report 2023: NEXt Seven
Connecting the dots in healthtech for better care
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