Contact the following healthcare facilities directly:
MS Center Melsbroek
AZ Turnhout
Sint-Trudo Sint-Truiden
AZ Glorieux Ronse
AZ Jan Portaels Vilvoorde
Rehabilitation Hospital Inkendaal
Beware of phishing. There are phishing emails circulating that appear to be from nexuzhealth. Click here for more information and tips to protect yourself.
Step 1: Visit Click on 'log in' under 'CSAM' and log in using your eID card reader or the 'itsme®' app.
Step 2: Click on your profile icon (or on your name, followed by 'profile'). Continue to 'App', at the top of the blue bar.
Step 3: If the device is blocked, click 'unblock'.
Step 4: In the 'change your PIN' screen, enter a new PIN twice and then click on ‘Save'.
Step 5: Click on 'I have unlocked my account'. You can log back in with your (new) PIN.
MS Center Melsbroek
AZ Turnhout
Sint-Trudo Sint-Truiden
AZ Glorieux Ronse
AZ Jan Portaels Vilvoorde
Rehabilitation Hospital Inkendaal