Centralised patient data, optimised point of contact 

Choose a better overview and more efficiency your practice

Manage your patient records quickly, easily and securely. Nexuzhealth pro doctor provides you with the most up to date and complete picture of each patient thanks to the contributions of all healthcare providers involved. Resulting in more efficiency and less administrative burden.  
nexuzhealth pro voor huisartsen

Affiliated healthcare institutions

ELEctronic health record

What is an centralised electronic health record? (EHR)

An electronic health record brings together all data about a patient in one secure and central place. Because all healthcare providers use the same record, it creates the most complete and up-to-date picture to ensure the best care, together.

More on the EHR
ALL features

100% ready for the future with nexuzhealth pro doctor

Nexuzhealth pro doctor offers numerous features to efficiently manage your patient records. Fully scalable, secure and based on reliable cloud technology. Plus, new functionalities are added all the time.

More about nexuzhealth pro Discover all the features
Parameters nexuzhealth pro huisarts
Exchange of information

Quickly exchange information in a strong network

As a general practitioner, you are often the patient's first point of contact. Therefore, to ensure the best care, it is crucial that you can quickly exchange information with other healthcare providers. Numerous healthcare institutions and providers are already using nexuzhealth.

To the overview
nexuzhealth consult

Free access to the hospital record of your patient?

With nexuzhealth consult, healthcare professionals get a comprehensive overview of the electronic health record at the hospital. Consult images, reports, medication summaries, lab results and more.

Discover more

We are transforming Flanders

with the largest patient portal


Affiliated general practitioners

+1.3 mln

mynexuzhealth users

+4.6 mln

Active health records

"The migration of data from my old software to nexuzhealth pro went very smoothly. The software is userfriendly and intuitive, which significantly simplifies the learning process. I am also very satisfied with the speed and stability of this web application."

dr. Jutten
General Practitioner

Docter Jutte-EMD huisarts-getuigenis-nexuzhealth copy
"The switch to nexuzhealth went smoothly and with the necessary support from the experienced service desk. The experts at nexuzhealth know the needs and requirements of the GP profession inside out. But the biggest advantage of all? The user-friendliness of the cloud application!"
Dr aras getuigenis nexuzhealth pro huisarts
Dr. Aras
General Practitionner
"I have been working with nexuzhealth pro for 2 years now. Because of its intuitive layout, the learning curve is short. You can quickly enter and look up all the data you want."
Docter Bottu-EMD huisarts-getuigenis-nexuzhealth-1
Dr. Bottu
General Practitionner
Always informed

What’s next at nexuzhealth?

Don’t miss any updates on our blog

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Platform & product growth: technological innovation drives our growth

Platform & product growth: technological innovation drives our growth

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Patient expert and caregiver Karlien highlights pain points in medical data

Patient expert and caregiver Karlien highlights pain points in medical data

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We are here for you

Any questions or can we help with anything?

The answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found on the website.
If you still have questions, please contact the service desk.
